Saturday, June 15, 2024

Once again... the question of two elements

 Whilst experimenting in my studio the other night, I put together two elements that created, what I think, is a compelling composition with only two elements. Even though I am generally pretty liberal, in terms of not judging my work too harshly (other than when it comes to design detail and execution), I found myself considering a nagging question... "is this 'enough'"? I could certainly argue that two elements are enough for a collage, especially when the resulting image is striking. And I could also argue that 'chance favors a prepared mind' (Pasteur), and that I had just the right elements, at just the right time, to make such a two-element collage "work". The eyes of the underlying element shown below "happen" to fit perfectly into the negative space (i.e., the holes created by the overlying element). And the 'emotion' in the eyes seem perfectly suited for this piece. But then again, how would a viewer respond? How would a fellow artist (collage artist or other) respond to the work? I suppose I could say, "who cares?". But I think, as artists, we all care, at some level (perhaps some more than others). The 'jury is still out' with this piece. I happen to love it just like this; although I could see me doing a bit more exploring, and being open to additional elements. There certainly is another dominant part of the piece ripe for negative space exploitation. But maybe it's 'good to go'. I will have to see what emerges. Stay tuned ;-)

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