Monday, March 20, 2023

Two piece

I once again struggled with calling this piece "done". I struggled with question, "What is a collage?". I kept thinking to myself, "This needs another element or two" -- because it is "simply" two elements (two piece). Sometimes, when I am struggling with what I call a "minimalist collage" (which I have written about in Kolaj magazine), I think of the works of John Stezaker. He's known for his two-piece collages; and I love his work. But his works seem much more "disruptive" in their juxtaposition than this composition. BUT, is this collage any "less" of a collage than Stezaker's work (or others)? The woman-and the-cloud element is from a vintage Mexican magazine. The grey cloud element is likely from LIFE magazine, or a vintage book. The pieces are glued-down (i.e., collaged). It is a collage. But I also struggle with not wanting my work to be simply "decorative". On the other hand, I really appreciate beauty -- and I found this composition very beautiful. It took great care to get the placement of the elements "just right". Can you tell from my writing, that struggled with considering this piece "finished"? But I did not succumb to the "should" temptation. Weirdly, I initially got over the "should"s (and "should not"s) after watching the documentary "How to Draw a Bunny" (about Ray Johnson). So, here it is (untitled as of yet; 7' x 7'; framed 11" x 11")...

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