Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thoughtsgiving pins

Here are the final products. They went over very well. There is a bit of meaning to these. The question marks partly signify uncertainly. For last year's Thoughtsgiving day, we were reeling from the recent election of Trump. The theme for last year's pins were in opposition to his hatred and bigotry. We were all uncertain about how bad it could get. It has gotten pretty bad. A secondary suggestion of the question mark could be fragility -- specifically, the fragility of life. The pins were dedicated to Andre; who took his own life this fall and left us reeling from that. But here we are, near the end of another year. The colors of these pins and the third possibility for our question mark signify inquisitiveness and hope -- two things which we must continue to carry on living a life worth living. I was pleased with how these turned out.

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