Saturday, July 27, 2024


I will be getting this piece "professionally" photographed next week; but I just couldn't resist sharing this "less than professional" photo of the finished product. The piece was inspired by generative AI. The title is a combination of "AI" and "LLM". 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024

Coming along... update on "the project"

 This component is coming along (slowly, but surely). I am hoping to finish the words today. Each word or phrase has been "hand-selected" because of some kind of meaning or resonance with me or the loose theme of this project (I will explain more once finished).

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


This is taking WAY more time than I had anticipated (for good reason). It's part of a bigger project that I will be posting about in the next couple weeks.


Sunday, July 7, 2024

serendipitous collage

While I was coating elements last night, I came to the end of the newspaper I had been using. As has happened before, when I ripped up the last page, I was struck by the "accidental collage" that remained. Even though collages like this are not in my style, I love them (btw, I have tried to deliberatively make collages like this... but have been unsuccessful). 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

new sketch and decisions

I'm still working away on the red assemblage. It has become a bigger project than I had initially anticipated (and that's cool). But, of course, I am always working on multiple projects simultaneously. Here is a sketch that is coming together nicely. I am at a point of near completion and need to make some decisions about what will be the finished composition. The primary decision is whether to include the maroon element or not (see below). I really like both options -- but each option creates a quite different "vibe" for the piece. Without the maroon element, the composition is subtler. In fact, some viewers might think that there is not an additional element in the space. With the maroon element, I think the composition is more dramatic (and perhaps more balanced?). It's interesting... if I was creating the piece only for fellow collagists, I might omit the maroon; but for the general viewer, my inclination is to include the maroon element (I'll probably decide this evening). Another decision I will consider relates to the green elements. These green elements were placed to cover text on the upper and lower edges of the base element; so that it fits a standard 5" x 7" mat. I can always get a mat cut slightly smaller and forego the green elements. I need to decide whether these two elements are a positive addition to the overall composition. A third decision relates to framing. I typically used frames without much "texture" -- my preference is for square metal, or blond wood, framing. But last night, I happened to look over at an "ornate" frame that I had gotten in a box at some garage sale or auction. I placed it over the sketch and really liked the way it looked with the composition. It was golden metallic color originally; but I decided to paint it metallic gray/black. I am pretty sure that I will use this "atypical" frame for this piece, no matter what my other decisions are.