Thursday, March 31, 2022

Collaboration project with Anthony Morgan

 My friend and fellow collage artist Anthony Morgan and I recently completed a second project for which we both used the same issue of a magazine (i.e., we each had a copy). The first time we did this, we used a Life magazine (Oct. 6, 1965). Here are the two pieces:

This time, we used this August 1965 issue of Ladies Home Journal:
Whereas there were no restrictions for the first project, this time we decided that our compositions would include some red element from the cover (the motivation for this was to try to have some connection between the two separate artworks. Oh yeah, and for each of these projects, we worked completely independently, without sharing ideas or sketches with one another. Here are the two pieces that emerged from this collaboration:

1 comment:

  1. I do like both renditions of the same song, but tend to think that yours have more of a story.
