Wednesday, May 12, 2021

4 Elements presentation

I was SO happy to see a number of my artist friends (and others!) at my presentation at 4 Elements Studio this past Saturday. These are the people that inspire me and support my efforts. Great group of folks! I spoke about my creative process and emphasized the fact that in order to be creative, you need time, and time. The reason I say time twice, is because of an insightful video of a talk about creativity by John Cleese I saw years ago. He suggested that one needs to carve out time out of one's busy schedule to be able to be creative... BUT, you also need a certain amount of time to "get into the modality" of being creative. That is, even if one can find an hour, for example, to devote to being creative, it may not be enough time to get into the "open mode". It may take 30-45 mins to "escape" the "closed mode" (work-a-day world mode). I also talked about the fact that as an artist, I am mostly an "explorer" and "experimenter", and that in addition to time, and time, I need to immerse myself in my materials (that's why my studio is so "messy"). From immersion, comes emergence (of creative ideas and compositions). 
After the talk, we were able to have what was close to a "real" reception for my exhibition... THANKFULLY. And I sold a couple more pieces!
Very appreciative of those who came! Thank you for your interest and support!

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