Saturday, May 25, 2019

Collages from Kirkland Museum in Denver

I just returned from a trip to Denver. It was a bit of a debacle. I was suppose to play golf at a beautiful resort course called Fossil Trace; but they got about an inch of snow on Monday and I was sick with a head/chest cold (in a hotel bed) for most of the time there! On Thursday, however, I was able to venture out a bit with my wife and went to the Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art in downtown Denver (named after Colorado artist Vance Kirkland). The museum featured mostly furniture, jewelry and ceramics; but had a fair amount of framed paintings as well (focusing mostly on Colorado-based artists, living and deceased). I would HIGHLY recommend a visit to this museum... it's wonderful!. Anyway, here are a number of collages that were featured in the collection. The first three are works by Barbara Locketz - which include metal panels (2nd and 3rd pieces); The next piece reminds me a bit of Kurt Schwitters; but is by artist, George Cecil Carter; The next piece reminds me of Jean Arp's work and is by artist, James Mills; the last piece shown here is my favorite of the group and is by Emilio Lobato.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

more to come

I will try to update this blog again on a regular basis (although I will be spending a week in Denver starting tomorrow) and get up-to-date with my what has happened this spring. For now, I will put up this "teaser". This is a piece entitled "I have something to tell you" (7" x 7"/11" x 11" framed) and recently sold at an exhibit at Kirkland Art Center in Clinton, NY.

Too late?

I have not posted on this blog since November 2018. That's WAY too long to leave this blog "unattended" and I do apologize most sincerely to my followers. It has been a very long, productive and somewhat stressful school year. Yes, I am still active with collage. In fact, I decided during the holidays that I would get back into doing a bit of "art hustling", by looking into submitting to some different venues. My work paid off and I was able to show works at a number of new and interesting places this spring. In January, I showed three pieces in an exhibit called "Inside/Outside" at the Upstream Gallery in Hasting-On-Hudson, NY (near Tarrytown). The exhibit was well-attended and the village was wonderful. I was especially honored that my mentor Jonathan Talbot made the drive to attend the opening. I also appreciated the fact that my sister-in-law Donna, her man Jay and my niece Vivian (in the beret) also came down for the event. In addition, I met Terrence Fine, a fellow collage artist who also likes to use celestial backgrounds in her work. Here are some photos from the opening: