Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Gathered Visions" exhibit

I'm really excited to be showing some of the works I've created this summer. I think it's a good grouping that represents my "voice" at this point in time. Here are most of what I will be exhibiting at The Broad Street Gallery (in Hamilton, NY). The opening reception is Saturday, August 4th from 5-7:00...

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Another palm piece

The piece entitled "Succulent Palm" (which I posted earlier) was a crowd favorite when I showed it in Syracuse, NY. It was NFS since I had given it to a friend as a holiday gift. The gallery owner actually inquired twice about whether I would reconsider selling. I also showed the piece at a brief exhibit at Sculpture Space, Inc. in Utica, NY and the studio manager "loved it" and wanted to buy it. I said "sorry, it was given as a gift to a friend". Fortunately, I was able to locate another anatomical hand (although one I don't like as much) to try to create a similar piece. I ended-up giving that one away too, to the studio manager as she just left the position at Sculpture Space after 10 years of employment. Here is the piece...

"Unintended Victims"

Together with the piece I posted earlier entitled "Help", I exhibited this one in a recent group show in Syracuse, NY. I did not intend to create artwork related to gun violence when I did either of these pieces; but somehow it must be subconsciously on my mind given recent events (and perhaps my own recent experience with a lockdown in the school that I teach at).

new pieces

I realize I have been neglecting this blog. It's been a weird summer season. I am back to teaching (two evenings a week) and it has actually helped me manage my time better. I have also decided to concentrate on making some artwork rather than just coating and looking for elements. I mean, I have SO many elements that I could make collage for the next 5 years. I tend to get into get into the habit of looking at beautiful elements and choosing images from my vintage ephemera collection (coating some). I NEED to start actually making artwork (even if some of them are not as good as the standards to which I hold myself). Of course, I have also been playing A LOT of golf this summer. So, here are a couple of pieces that I will be exhibiting in two weeks at The Broad Street Gallery in Hamilton, NY.